中國基督徒30 年
The Last 30 years of Christians in China
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「中國基督徒30年」見證記錄片籌備製作超過兩年, 攝製隊成功走訪十三個國內大小城鎮,訪問超過二百人,是一套關乎近代部份中國信徒與教會發展的紀實。
“The Last 30 years of Christians in China” took over two years to produce and is the culmination of more than 200 detailed interviews with Christians in 13 large and small cities in China. It is a documentary that closely examines the recent development of a portion of the country’s Christian believers and churches. Explored inside is how the nation’s anguished history and current challenges have spurred an outpouring of earnestness and pragmatic engagement with faith. Through a series of frank interviews with China’s believers, the documentary also reveals how the faith’s values have steered new developments in society. What follows is a beautiful work that clearly shows Jesus Christ’s love for China, as well as the passion of this nation’s believers.
Total number of episodes: 8
Duration: approx 22 minutes per episode
Subtitles: Traditional , Simplify Chinese, English
第一章 藝術〡追尋 Art〡Pursuit
Five artists hailing from different eras and geographies are in pursuit of ever-elusive perfection in music and art. Their artistic lives are transformed by their encounters with the God of wisdom, creativity and aesthetics, while their faith enables them to experience genuine beauty.
第二章 民族〡激情 Nation〡Passion
China is a nation of multiple ethnic groups. Historically, missionaries from various nations afar have scaled hills and mountains to bring the gospel to remote villages, yet there is great resistance against relinquishing traditional faiths for the pursuit of Christianity. Today, there are theological seminaries especially tailored towards minority groups, as well believers who are willing to dedicate 10 to 20 years’ time in order to translate the Bible into minority languages.
第三章 智者〡反思 Wisdom〡Reflections
In the eyes of Chinese people, religion is merely another tragic incarnation of opium. Yet today, youths, intellectuals and professionals from all over the nation are now flocking to churches. Meanwhile, concerned Christian scholars strive to explore a non-traditional faith for the masses, in the hope that churches and believers will become a new social influence.
第四章 改變〡轉化 Change〡Transformation
A paraplegic young woman travels from rural China to the urban city in pursuit of a new life. Armed with her faith, she shares her love with the poor. A coal miner in Fujian who was injured in an industrial accident continually cares for his three ailing, bed-ridden family members, and shares a testimony of the award he received in 2008 for his moving story of devotion.
第五章 財主〡天國 The Rich Man〡Heaven
In recent years, Chinese society has seen the blossoming of entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders who adhere to the principles of integrity, embrace fair and just business principles and are willing to be good stewards. They are not greedy for ill-gotten gains; instead, they choose to take concrete actions to reflect the values of God’s kingdom, resist the seduction of temptation, and enhance society while establishing kingdom businesses. These are the change warriors of the times.
第六章 僕人〡領袖 Servant〡Leader
Pastors from all around share their life experiences, featuring testimonies of hostility towards the faith, which are then transformed by repentance. In remote areas, ministry workers lead such lives of severe hardship that they can barely sustain their livelihood, which are further complicated by a long-term shortage in leaders. Closer to the city, churches face the dilemma of being urbanized and are increasingly challenged by an explosion of youthful believers.
第七章 使命〡恩典 Mission〡Grace
Believers who are greatly touched respond through action. As they offer their love and care for the disadvantaged, their work becomes widely acknowledged throughout much of society. A mother who cares for her daughter suffering from cerebral palsy is conflicted yet perseveres. A bank manager leaves his well-paying job to found a center for children with special needs. Mute and deaf believers create their own fellowship, and evangelize through the testimony of their lives. Meanwhile, lepers and AIDS victims testify to the healing found in their lives.
第八章 真愛〡流動 Love〡Inspiration
An elderly woman who has lived abroad for 50 years returns to her homeland, simply because she is answering a calling from God. She uses her savings to support her ministry of caring for the homeless, and gains a group of faithful followers. Long-time drug users are able to break their addiction by way of a newfound faith in Christ. Having relinquished dependency, they now use their lives to bless other addicts. Elsewhere, an enthusiastic believer launches hospice services in an effort to bring hope to countless of terminally ill patients.